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FREE Nutritional Consult May 26, 2016 — Noon – 7 pm
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To see Sharon’s Brochure on her Nutritional Sessions go here: Sharon free Hormone health sessions
When: Thursday, MAY 26th, 2016 From 12:00-7:00pm
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by stress? Is the constant pressure of trying to be the best mom, the best wife, or the best at your career affecting your health? Stress can contribute to fatigue, difficulty concentrating, sugar cravings, bloating, insomnia, acne, irritability, anxiety, weight gain and pelvic pain.
What if I told you that making simple, practical changes to your diet and lifestyle could change all that? You can have more energy, better focus, improved sleep, enhanced mood, feel better in our body and simply have a better quality of life by following a lifestyle that is appropriate for YOU. No matter where you are in your health journey, and what your health goals are, your health and wellness is within YOUR control, and I can show you how!
If you are looking to improve the ability to cope with stress in your life, experience optimal hormone health and enhance your relationships, then I encourage you to book a complimentary 20-minute nutritional consulting session with me Thursday May 26th at Derma Bright Clinic. During our session, we will identify how your current diet and lifestyle may or may not be working for you. I will share with you the specific food, natural supplement or lifestyle changes that you can start incorporating into your life right away to start feeling better naturally, and how you can improve your stress levels and hormone health long-term.
Understanding that health and wellness starts from the inside, Derma Bright has generously facilitated these sessions to take place in-house from noon until 7:00pm, on May 26th, and space is limited. I encourage you to schedule your session by clicking HERE (see brochure).
About Sharon Pendlington:
Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Yoga Instructor, is the founder of Personal Nutrition, offering private and group nutritional counselling and ongoing support. Sharon specializes in hormone health, and meets her clients wherever they are in their health journey and inspires them to take their power back over their own health and wellness. You can find out more about Sharon at www.personalnutrition.ca or by following her on Facebook and Twitter.
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