oxygeneo facial

Come celebrate our 12th Anniversary with these great offers! Happy 12th Anniversary to us! In June we celebrate 12 years in business! June is also for Brides, Dads & Grads!  **NEW SERVICE**: Product-based Facials by Nelly deVuyst, see below!! 12th Anniversary Specials Celebrate Dad this month with this great offer:  Buy a men’s Technical or […]

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Start your year off right with these great offers!

January 2024 Specials  – Happy New Year! Start your year off right with these great offers! Service Specials LPG Body Lipomassage or Face Endermolift  Packages:  Book any LPG package & receive 10% extra in treatments/minutes, save $160-$480! Teeth Whitening & Facial Combo: Great combination: a 60 min tech facial with Teeth Whitening package, just $249

Start your year off right with these great offers! Read More »

Share the Love with these February skin, body & laser specials!

Share the Love with these February skin, body & laser specials! Share the love with your self care with our monthly $85 Facial or Massage Membership Program!  SERVICE SPECIALS *** NEW SERVICE*** BTB Facial Special: Try our new45min Better than Botox facial, this month just $149!  ALLIANCE LPG Lipomassage Duo: Curious about LPG? Try the

Share the Love with these February skin, body & laser specials! Read More »

November 2019 Promotions to Remember!

NOVEMBER 2019 PROMOTIONS We have Gift Certificates available – Call us or buy online! SERVICE SPECIALS TRIPOLLAR SKIN TIGHTENING PACKAGE:  This technology delivers focussed energy to the skin’s surface & tissue layers, stimulating natural collagen regeneration for incredible skin. Buy a package of 5 (@30min each) & get the 6th FREE! A $120 value!  3-in-1

November 2019 Promotions to Remember! Read More »

February Specials with Love!

February Service Specials OXYGENEO Facial: 3-in-1 Facial ~ Delivers 3 skin renewing anti-aging treatments: Exfoliation, Infusion & Oxygenation! To restore skin volume we add 10 min Endermolift ~  This month $150, that’s a $35 savings! 3-in-1 Relaxation Treatment:  Treat yourself to a 15min Bemer, 30min Reiki massage & finish with a 45min Facial.  Reg $195

February Specials with Love! Read More »

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