acne scar treatment

Come celebrate our 12th Anniversary with these great offers! Happy 12th Anniversary to us! In June we celebrate 12 years in business! June is also for Brides, Dads & Grads!  **NEW SERVICE**: Product-based Facials by Nelly deVuyst, see below!! 12th Anniversary Specials Celebrate Dad this month with this great offer:  Buy a men’s Technical or […]

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Best Microneedling Vancouver

Best Microneedling Vancouver The last several years has seen a lot of microneedling devices come to market, from home based rollers to professional devices. As an owner of a skin care clinic I resisted the urge to get my own device for my clinic as what I saw from other operators made me cringe generally

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Welcome Spring Promotions!

Welcome Spring Promotions for March 2023!  Welcome Spring with these great promotions! FACIAL & TECHNOLOGY SPECIALS  Fire & Ice Facial: resurface your skin, reduce fine lines & wrinkles, smooths, softens and encourages cellular renewal! This month $125, a $25 savings! Lifting Facial: Enjoy a 60min technical facial which includes microcurrent plus Tripolar Radio Frequency application.

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Everything You Need to Know About Microdermabrasion

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.17.6″] What is Microdermabrasion? It’s a skincare treatment centred around the use of a small device that features a diamond tip with suction to exfoliate the surface layer of your skin. A trained esthetician runs the device over the face lightly to remove any and all dead skin cells. This method of

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How to Treat Acne in Winter

Acne is a condition millions of people struggle with throughout the world, each case as unique as the person experiencing it. Acne during any time of the year is an annoying occurrence, so here are a few ways you can deal with breakouts during the winter months. Non-Drying Treatments While you’ll find either benzoyl peroxide

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October 2018 Specials

October 2018 Specials Book Now OCTOBER 2018 PROMOTIONS SERVICE SPECIALS **NEW PEEL SERVICE**: Book one of our new Nelly or Alumier Peel Treatments! Three to choose from Acne/Congested, Anti aging or Hyperpigmentation and get 50% off any facial, that’s a $62.50 savings! END OF SUMMER FACIAL: Come in to rejuvenate your skin after all the

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