5 reasons to do laser hair removal

5 Reasons for Laser Hair Removal!

5 Reasons for Laser Hair Removal

Have you been thinking about trying laser hair removal? Well if it is on your mind, here are 5 reasons to do laser hair removal and take the plunge! 

  1. Never have to shave or wax again! Just think of that! All that effort, sometimes with a cost ie nicks, those hard-to-reach areas, etc. 
  2. It is cost effective! In just a few Laser Hair Removal sessions you will never have to wax or shave again SAVING you a lot of money over the years as well as YOUR TIME! Just think of the time you spend every month shaving, it all adds up! 
  3. Laser Hair Removal is virtually pain free! LHR used to be painful as it used older technology. But today there are so many great new machines, including the Icon from Cynosure that we use at Derma Bright Clinic. This latest technology is next generation and virtually pain-free. None of our clients have had to use numbing cream. And it is safe, with Health Canada approvals in place. 
  4. Laser Hair Removal is safe for most skin types and tones! With the Icon Laser Hair Removal system most skin types can use this technology and you can do it year round, you just want to avoid the sun on any treated area.
  5. No down time! The Icon Laser Hair Removal system is safe and you do not need to take any time off work or play after your sessions!

Bonus reasons! 

  • Great for men and women! For ladies popular areas are the bikini, underarms, upper lip, etc. And we have a lot of men who come in to treat problem areas such as the back, buttocks, groin, facial / neck hair, and that hair growth on the back of the neck. Why not get rid of it so you can be smooth and problem free year round and just think, no more clogged hair follicles! 
  • We treat all areas of the body!
  • You want to do Laser Hair Removal BEFORE you turn grey. Once the grey hair sets in you can’t do Laser Hair Removal so do it before you start greying! 

At Derma Bright Clinic we offer head to toe skincare services designed to correct and prevent skin issues. Hair on the body can be very problematic for many so take advantage of the latest technology in Lasers and do away with a problem many of us have, hair in unwanted areas! Not sure, book a free consultation to see how we can help! 

To book or ask questions, visit www.dermabrightclinic.com, email us on [email protected] or call/text us on 604.259.8757.   

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