teen facial

Come celebrate our 12th Anniversary with these great offers! Happy 12th Anniversary to us! In June we celebrate 12 years in business! June is also for Brides, Dads & Grads!  **NEW SERVICE**: Product-based Facials by Nelly deVuyst, see below!! 12th Anniversary Specials Celebrate Dad this month with this great offer:  Buy a men’s Technical or

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Skin & Stones Black Friday Special Event Pricing Thursday November 30th 2023

Skin & Stones Black Friday Special Event Pricing, Thursday, November 30th, 2023   Black Friday Specials  Beauty Bucks*: Buy denominations of $100 in Beauty $ & receive an extra $50 to use towards any service! So $150 in value for $100! BOGO Offers – Buy 1, Get 50% off 2nd Potenza – Microneedling & RF,

Skin & Stones Black Friday Special Event Pricing Thursday November 30th 2023 Read More »

Hot summer specials to get you looking & feeling great this summer!

Hot summer specials to get you looking  & feeling great this summer! July 2023 Specials – Happy Canada Day! Service Specials New service teeth whitening: stained teeth? Try our 60 min service, $299! 1540 Laser Stretch Mark Treatment:  this month, just $99 Summer Body Service:  Body scrub, wrap & massage combo! With 30 min massage,

Hot summer specials to get you looking & feeling great this summer! Read More »

Welcome Spring Promotions!

Welcome Spring Promotions for March 2023!  Welcome Spring with these great promotions! FACIAL & TECHNOLOGY SPECIALS  Fire & Ice Facial: resurface your skin, reduce fine lines & wrinkles, smooths, softens and encourages cellular renewal! This month $125, a $25 savings! Lifting Facial: Enjoy a 60min technical facial which includes microcurrent plus Tripolar Radio Frequency application.

Welcome Spring Promotions! Read More »

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